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Electric Fence Catalog

(page 19)


SM4004000' Hi-Tensile Wire - Stockmnaster 12-1/2 gauge. Class III galvanized Hi-Tensile smooth fence wire, thread lay package for easy payout. Ideal for permanent electric fences. This wire is a TRUE 170,000 PsI with extra heavy Class 3 galvanizing. cat19p1.gif - 2.69 K
SM2640Hi-Tensile Wire. Our SM 2640 wire is spooled in 1/2 mile coils for easy identification and more practical use on the farm. It is a true 170,000 PSi, with extra heavy Class 3 galvanizing (other wire manufacture specifications state I 70,000 PSI Maximum breaking point, could be as low as 140,000 PSI). Thread lay package weighs 66 pounds for easy payout and shipment.cat19p2.gif - 2.49 K
SM80Wire Spinner. Wire payout spinner. Constructed of heavy square tubing and designed to handle 100 pound rolls of wire. (AKA Spinning Jenny)cat19p3.gif - 1.84 K


SM82014 gauge x 1/4 mile - Galvanized steel wire, traditional electric fence wire.cat19p4.gif - 1.44 K


Never Rusts - Conducts Electricity 4 Times Better Than Steel - 1/3 the Weight of Steel Wire

SM82214 gauge x 1/4 mile.cat19p5.gif - 1.79 K
SM82412-1/2 gauge x 1/4 mile
SM82615 gauge stranded 1/4 mile - 7 small strands of never-rust aluminum electric fence wire braided together.cat19p6.gif - 1.36 K
SM82717 gauge x 250' - For yards and pet control.cat19p7.gif - 1.24 K


Heavy Duty Poly-Vinyl Material - No Splintering - Sunlight Tolerant - Notched on 2" Centers.

SM84848" Poly "T" Stay 1" x 1" - Use in between line or permanent posts.cat19p8.gif - 2.22 K
SM86060" Poly "T" Stay 1" x 1" - Use in between line or permanent posts.
SM86666" Poly "T" Stay 1" x 1" - Use in between line or permanent posts.
SM95454" Poly "T" Post 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" - Best for 1 or 2 wire fences.
SM96060" Poly "T" Post 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" -Best for 2 or 3 wire fences.
SM96666" Poly "T" Post 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" - Use for fences with 3 or more wires.
SM97272" Poly "T" Post 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" - Use for fences with 4 or more wires.
SM99696" Poly "T" Post 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" - Best used on 8' fences between permanent posts.
SM99AAluminum Wire Ties.


1-1/2" x 1-1/2" Self insulating wood posts that are ideal for electric fencing. Rustic wood look. Pre drilled with 1/4" Holes.
Use SM84 Open eye clips on these posts
SM56060" Electro Wood Post.cat19p9.gif - 1.99 K
SM56666" Electro Wood Post.
SM57272" Electro Wood Post.

Page 19

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